Outdoor security lights can be attractive ways to increase the security and usability of your home. Before you think about installation, it’s important to consider the type and location of the light fixtures. And to guide what you look for when it comes to features and locations, it helps to consider what goals you want to use the lights to accomplish.
Using Lights to Deter Robbers
Multiple studies have found how proper lighting can deter vandals and robbers. Nothing is 100% foolproof, but some strategies are more sensible than others. Lighting the driveway and other major points of entry to your house is critical.
Are you frequently away from home? Consider finding lights that work on a timer so that you can give the impression someone is inside even when the house is empty.
Do you have a lot of space on your property between you and your neighbors? Consider using flood lights with motion sensors.
A good rule of thumb when it comes to placing lights is to set them 10-20 feet apart. This way you can minimize overlap and reduce the amount of fixtures you need to buy.
Using Lights to Maximize Visibility
The more obvious benefit of outside lights is that they can help you see once night falls. Lighting major points of entry is still a good idea if visibility is your top concern. To save on electricity costs, you may opt to install a light that only turns on when you’re entering the garage.
A more low-cost option is to install smaller accent lights, either on the house exterior or amongst the driveway and landscaping.
No matter what your priorities are, figuring out how to power your lights is another necessary step before you start the installation. Solar is an option, but the more popular power choices tend to be either hard-wiring all the lights together (like a cliche Christmas lights setup) or finding outdoor outlets for multiple lights’ plugs.
Depending on the size of the project, you may want to call a professional team, like Rockville, Maryland’s trusted family company, M. R. Electricians, who have over 60 years of combined experience. Call today at 301-871-0477 if you live in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington DC, or call 727-422-0391 if you live in Florida.